What's your favorite type of roo?

The only erally nice rooster I've ever had was a silkie named Banjo. He was like a dog. Not so good for standard girls though. The nicest standard was a Silverlaced Wayandotte. He wasn't so friendly as he was just tolerant of me. My meanest was a barred Plymouth Rock. He was EVIL
i have 8 adult roos now, 1 know that 2 are whiteleg horns, 2 of them are unknown they are twins, the other 2 i have learned are supposed to be fighting cocks. I dont have any trouble with any of them once they found there pecking order. The big one looks like the kellogs rooster he is very protective of his hens. THe others keeps their distance when his hens are around. I am gonna thin out the roos soon. I have 2 black banny roos to they are in with the banny hens, i dont hear anything out of them. I have some brown leghorns chicks now, i will keep one of them ROn
I got 2 silkie roos from someone on Craigslist and they got along alright until one of my EE "pullet" chicks grew into a cockeral
, last spring. Well, one of the silkie roos became very mean to the other silkie roo plus he would chase the EE cockeral around the yard (very funny to watch a silkie running) until one day the EE realized that he was WAY bigger than the silkie. Nowadays, my EE rules the roost and he is a good roo. He doesn't bother people and he is tolerant of the other 2 roos as long as they don't get too close to his hens. He's beautiful, too!

I had a silver spangled roo, several years ago, and he would sneak up from behind and flog the back of my legs, whenever he got the chance, but since he was fairly small he didn't really bother me that much. I would follow him around the yard while tossing an empty milk jug in his direction for about 5 minutes and then he would leave me alone for a few weeks. He was beautiful, too.
My one and only roo is a standard Salmon Faverolle...gorgeous, loves his ladies (and they love him) and once I catch him, tolerates handling quite nicely. And, he won a blue ribbon in his conformation class last month!!


Plus, the faverolles are a dual purpose bird. They lay great year-round, are supposed to be a great table bird, and standard size for a roo is around 8 lbs, so they aren't HUGE, but still good sized...

Oh, and he was noisy when there was another roo on the property, but now that he's the only one, he crows in the am, but that's it).

(Yes, I LOVE my "Thunder"!)
I believe the particular breed is called delicious. I know that breed exists cause I've often heard people say "that was a delicious chicken".
Love my chickies!! :

My one and only roo is a standard Salmon Faverolle...gorgeous, loves his ladies (and they love him) and once I catch him, tolerates handling quite nicely. And, he won a blue ribbon in his conformation class last month!!


Plus, the faverolles are a dual purpose bird. They lay great year-round, are supposed to be a great table bird, and standard size for a roo is around 8 lbs, so they aren't HUGE, but still good sized...

Oh, and he was noisy when there was another roo on the property, but now that he's the only one, he crows in the am, but that's it).

(Yes, I LOVE my "Thunder"!)

That is a GORGEOUS roo! So, he only crows in the morning? About how loud? Enough to wake neighbors about 50 or 60 yards away? *Guesses on distance, I'm no good at guessing distances*​

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