What's your record for eggs/day from one hen?


11 Years
Jul 19, 2008
Brea, California
I have a little black bantam who seemed to produce 5 eggs all on the same day last fall. I know she could have been hiding a clutch, but my kids have an easter egg hunt every day & I think they would have found them since they were in a fairly unhidden spot. The banty is the only one who can get out of the run, so no one else could have laid them.

Now today we found 9 eggs in the playhouse! I candled them & they all look very fresh -- very small air cells.

What's the maximum eggs/day people have seen 1 hen lay?
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That should not physically be possible. Every now and then someone gets 2 in one day from a hen because the egg system gets backed up or some other freak thing. An egg takes about 24hrs to make though so to get 5 a day she'd have to not lay for about 5days and the same with 9. It's not possible to make 5eggs all in one day. I also think there would be damage to the hen carrying them around that long and then laying that many in a day. Do you have other hens? She's probably either hiding them or collecting them from the other hens. They will roll eggs into their nest.
Yeah, I thought about whether she could have rolled them out of hiding, but based on the location in this little playhouse, I don't see how she could have done that! And as for the other hens ... she's the only one who can fly out of the run.

It's a mystery!

Anyone with a similar story?

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