wheezing and sneezing


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 29, 2009
This evening when I went to shut up the coop I heard what originally sounded like snoring. I traced it to a mixed breed banty hen that is about a year old. I have brought her in the house. She is wheezing, head up a bit and beak open. Since she has been in the house she has begun to sneeze. Rather large sneezes and loud. No mucous in her nostrils or mouth as of yet. The wheezing isn't constant. and the sneezing began after I started massaging her crop and neck. There is basically nothing in her crop. I was able to get her to eat some cottage cheese and she was hungry but didn't eat a whole lot. Will start antibiotics in the water in the morning along with vitamins. I am assuming that this is a cold..... BUT I did spray some eco-friendly bug kill in the cracks in the coop several hours earlier. She was not in the coop at the time. There is also a light sprinkling of DE on the floor the grass is a few weeks old (we don't use chemicals on the grass) And we have not had rain in over a week the temperatures are in the 80's with a breeze. They all free range.
Any ideas as to what I am dealing with? And any other ideas as to what else I should do to keep the rest healthy?
I'll make her eggs and/or oatmeal in the morning.
Well after a rather sleepless night by little gray hen is still with us. The wheezing has quieted down, she seems to be sneezing less. The poo however is white and somewhat watery. She is eating a bit and drinking. Poor dear, some of her sneezes were so hard that they actually knocked her off her feet. At the moment she appears to be alert in spite of the fact she probably didn't get much sleep.
She's hunkered down and stretching her head forward to breath, last night it was up and forward. There is no head shaking so I doubt that it is gape worm.
I'm still really stumped as to what is going on with her. I hate to dose everyone if they don't need it. But I think perhaps I'd better be safe than sorry. I have Duramycin-10 on hand. Plus vitamins.
Any ideas?
She continues to hang in there. And other than the symptoms of the head stretched breathing, wheezing and occasional very loud sneezes she appears okay. Well, she looks tired but I imagine she hasn't gotten any sleep. No swelling of the face, her eyes are clear and bright. The feathers apear to be in good shape. Some food in the crop. The sneezes literally lift her off the floor. The wheezing has quieted down but that may be due to a sore throat.
Any suggestions as to what else to do?Trying to keep her seperate from the rest of the "hospital" crew. Underweight polt , cross beaked silkie, crippled silkie and the like.
I guess I am going to have to give her a real name other than Grey hen. After all she is sitting at my feet and since I've been talking to her for many hours straight I'll have to think of one.

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