Wheezing-frog sound from Black ostrolorp

Oak Brood Farm

Dec 4, 2020
We have one of our ladies making a wheezing frog sound and need recommendations on what we might be able to do for her.... we have seen people suggest that it could be gape worm or a respiratory issue. video in the comments
Does it sound like this stridor sound:

Gapeworm is very rare, and can be ruled out with a fecal float of some droppings by a vet. Respiratory diseases are much more possible. They can cause gasping, head shaking, mucus in the beak and nostrils, watery or bubbly eye, sneezing, or crakly breathing. Have you added new birds recently? Pictures or a video uploaded to You Tube or Vimeo with a link posted here can be helpful.
Does it sound like this stridor sound:

Gapeworm is very rare, and can be ruled out with a fecal float of some droppings by a vet. Respiratory diseases are much more possible. They can cause gasping, head shaking, mucus in the beak and nostrils, watery or bubbly eye, sneezing, or crakly breathing. Have you added new birds recently? Pictures or a video uploaded to You Tube or Vimeo with a link posted here can be helpful.

Just chicks we raised from day 1 but they sleep separately and have been added for months.
She has no mucus or watery eyes. Video is added.
I would look inside her beak and throat for any yellow plaques or cankers. Does she seem to be eating and drinking normally? If you can get SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer you can worm your chickens and treat for gapeworm and other worms. Dosage is 0.23 ml per pound given orally to each chicken for 5 consecutive days. If you see any new symptoms, let us know.

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