When can I combine both?


Apr 20, 2020
So I have 1 silkie that is 9 weeks old, soon 10 weeks. He or she from my first batch of chicks that I still dont know if rooster. Waiting to see. I had to give away his or her brother since he already starting crowing and cant keep him. So I also have 4 2 week old chicks, cherry eggers. First off, I dont want my silkie to be depressed since he will be alone for a few weeks I think till chicks become bigger. How do I make him happy being on her own without brother. I wish I could have kept him. Was thinking should I put him in a box container next to chicks so she can get used to the 4 chicks but not together yet, in separate containers. I can do that for 1 hr a day? Dont want my silkie to be depressed at least knowing others right there for 1 he might help. Or should I just wait till chicks older and then combine silkie with older, preferably when they 6 weeks old, with my silkie? I dunno how to keep my silkie happy while alone till chicks grow. Anyone have experience having just 1 temporarily? Thanks
Mine are standard size, but I combined week old chicks with 6 week old chicks without a problem, and they are hanging together now. I used the safety zone, in a large run. Where the chicks could escape to a safety zone as needed.

I don't think your one bird will be unhappy, but I do think they are all better in more space, sunshine and fresh air. I do not think that putting containers next to each other will be effective.

Mrs k
Mine are standard size, but I combined week old chicks with 6 week old chicks without a problem, and they are hanging together now. I used the safety zone, in a large run. Where the chicks could escape to a safety zone as needed.

I don't think your one bird will be unhappy, but I do think they are all better in more space, sunshine and fresh air. I do not think that putting containers next to each other will be effective.

Mrs k

Ok thank you! My silkie already out in run outside. My 2 week old chicks inside. Soon silkie will be on her own since brother will be given away. Was wondering if I could just put her in with 2 week old chicks. I will combine and see what happens. Ok on safety zone. Good idea!
So you have:
one chick, a small breed, 9 weeks old
four chicks, standard-size, 2 weeks old

I suggest you put the silkie in with the younger chicks, and watch to see what happens. They will probably look at each other, peck each other, ruffle feathers and "attack" each other, chase each other around, but not cause any serious injury. Then put in some kind of a distraction, such as a chunk of sod. I expect they will be fine after that.

Usually, you would have to worry about: older chicken picks on younger chickens, larger chicken picks on smaller chickens, more numerous chickens pick on less numerous chickens. In your case, because of how many of which age and what breed, it should all come out pretty evenly.

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