When can I expect my first eggs?


8 Years
Apr 24, 2011
I have 25 young hens, 17 and a half weeks old today. I have RIR's, Light Brahmas, Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, Araucanas/Americanas, and Black Australorps. I am very excited about the beginning of their egg laying careers, and want to know when that will be! I've heard 18 weeks, 20 weeks, and sometimes even 25 weeks is the starting point for most hens. At what age did your hens start laying? Also, after they start laying, will they immediately be laying 6 or 7 eggs a week? They have been in a large enclosed pen, and have more than twice as much space as is required. They have been on a diet of as much fruit, veggies, chicken scratch, and layer pellets as they want. They also occasionally get "junk food" as a snack (bakery bread) but that's only once every 2 weeks or so. I already have 10 older hens who are laying, but they are 8 or 9 and only laying about an egg a week each. (They are Silkies, Polish, a frizzle, a frizzle/silkie cross, and 2 Araucanas.) They can show the younger girls where to lay their eggs. Thanks!
Easy answer..when they are darned good and ready! Seriously, though, it could be any day or not for another month or so. Most of my current hens began to lay by 6 mo, but my pullets who are now 5 mo don't show any signs of being anywhere close. I put extra nesting boxes in the coop to be ready, but it looks like we've both got at least a few more weeks and then the eggs will probably be quite small for a while.
lol - same predicament here - impatience
i did hear where the combs and wattles are indicative of when they are close to it. not sure how accurate that is but noticed one 1 of mine is laying and the comb and wattle are not same as one i suspect is laying.
I was dying waiting for my first egg. LOL I caved and got 3 laying hens from a farmer. LOL I didn't get an egg from my "babies" until cloe to 19 weeks, and at 25 weeks, a few still aren't laying.

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