When can I let goslings go without water and feed at night

Susan Hillside

11 Years
Mar 3, 2013
Suttons Bay, Michigan
What age in weeks do you decide it is ok to take away food and water from goslings at night. I read in Holderread's "Story guide to raising ducks", he says several weeks. And I know that book is about ducks and not geese. I actually have the same question for ducks!

I have 7 pilgrim goslings in one large still with 4 adults and they all get along very well. The goslings are 3 weeks old now and I'm considering eliminating the water and food at night so that the barn stays cleaner. What are your thoughts? Thanks for your help.

I don't think food and water is necessary during night-time hours. In nature geese would assumably sleep during night, as most fowl, and their little gooslings would be next to or under mama.
I know that baby chickens (chicks) when in a brooder with a heatlamp, will get snacks, and a drink of water at will. The light provides a means for them to see. When under a broody, those same chicks would not eat, or dring while dark.
I think you can safely remove the food, and water from your barn if you wish. You want things to be somewhat clean. You can choose to leave a dish of water if you want. This way they can get a drink, when first wake, and before you arrive with feed.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :highfive:
Thank you so much for a such a helpful reply. Your answer is so pragmatic. My goslings and ducklings were all reared by geese or ducks. So they are well cared for. I think I will leave one dish/pan of water for them but take away the food. It will keep the barn cleaner and I have to be a away for a few days and it will make it easier for my farmsitter to manage the place! Thanks so much.

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