When can i start free ranging?


Mar 14, 2020
West texas
I have 7 chicks, around 5-6 weeks old. Right now they are in a 35' x 15' x 6' run during the day but I was wondering at what age I can allow then to free range the yard a bit. We've had some cats that have been watching them through the hardware cloth on the run (one cat even attempted to get a chick but of course couldnt through the cloth). I'm guessing it's best to wait until they are full size in order to not become kitty dinner? I also have one little doofus who gets easily distracted by flying bugs and often wonders away from her sisters so shes the one I'm scared a cat may target.

Funny part of that is when I notice shes separated (in the run) I ask the girls where Rose is and they all go running to her 😂😂 coincidence? Maybe. But I like to believe they know what I'm asking.
You can free-range them a bit when you're watching them, but I'd wait until their full-grown to let them out on their own.
We have a bit of land. Maybe I'll wait until they're bigger. Do you happen to know around what age they're closer to full size? I know it can depend on breeds but I was guessing around 20 weeks?

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