when can my babies swim?


6 Years
Mar 4, 2013
Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Hi everyone
Just picked up my 3 ducklings (2 pekin and 1 Rouen). They are about 4 days old. When is it safe to bring them in the sink for a swim? They love playing in their water dish. It's too cold outside (they are in the garage under a heatlamp) but wondered if I could give them swim time in shallow water in the sink?
let them! they will love it . just supervise them as they may get tired . make sure to dry them off after and get them under the heat lamp . Enjoy! swim time is sooooooo much fun! mine get 2 swim times a day and always have since 2 days old
Yep ! My girls are inside a heated barn and I still give them a warm bath they are just getting their feathers ;) on warmer days I don't have the heat up in there as much and their swim is cooler ;)

They normally have a pool but it's gotten too shallow so now I just put them in the sink lol not as much room but they can dive ;)
Pekins don't fly . They flap around a lot and try lol but they are flightless ducks .
My girls will be 4 weeks on Monday ;) and every day or every hour I swear they change so much from the last time I saw them so they could be feathered by next week or it could still take a few weeks who knows . Pekins grow at an amazing rate it's so fun tho ;)
Just tried them in the sink and all they wanted to do was try to climb out. I used lukewarm water and only about 2 inches, barely covered their legs to start. They huddled in the corner and wanted out. I sat with them about 5 minutes and then dried them and put them back under the heat lamp. They started preening and dancing. Maybe tomorrow will be better LOL
Don't be afraid!! Do it deeper! They are ducks haha they will love it and start zooming and diving before u know it . Next time make it so they can't touch or can barely touch and give them treats in the pool . Squished thawed out frozen peas all ducks pretty much go gaga for or rolled oats or cut up grass . Soon they won't want to get outta the pool hahaha

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