when can you call your eggs "free-range?"


10 Years
Oct 4, 2009
Moorpark, CA
The question has to do with how I can define my eggs. When you can refer to your eggs as being grown from "free-range" birds. I have a predator problem so they are in a run all the time, and get about 18sq ft per bird.

I try to feed them as much greens as they want...
Personally, I would call your eggs "Farm Fresh". But, I believe you would be 'free range' in Europe. I'd be comfortable calling chickens 'free range' if they have any access to foraging on their own. Even if you let them out for a few hours a week (when you can supervise them), then I'd believe you would be completely in your rights to label your eggs "free range". But, again, I'm applying a stricter standard than the European Union or the non-existent standard here.
I use "Cage Free" as it applies to birds who don't live in cages but are often cooped...
Birds that get range sometimes can be called "pastured" I think too...
there are some guidelines out there... I've seen them here on BYC

So, I prefer Cage Free Natural Cooped Chickens.. and this is what I boast.
They don't live in cages
They naturally get the opportunity to roam around freely during the day in our "pasture" AS THEY WISH BUT
They sleep (by choice) & are provided food & water in large chicken coops.

They are not locked into the coops, nor is the chicken door closed each night so they can come & go as they please.
"Free Range" means the birds have access to outside, they have opportunity to eat fresh grass, and have access to the dirt to do dust bathing. I got this info. off of www.expertvillage.com . So if you have this stuff you can call your birds "free range"
You have to be careful about that term too. The USDA only considers eggs to be "fresh" if they grade out to Grade A or AA, without regard to when the egg was laid. Yet, it is possible to get a Grade B egg right out of the hen. Many states limit the use of the term "fresh" to eggs graded as such.

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