When do I look for eggs

So they're about 7 months now? They should already be laying. What are you feeding them, what's the protein content, and are you feeding them crushed oyster shell like you should?
Marans are not typically winter layers, according to the breed info and maturity chart I have.

If you put a light in your coop to extend your "daylight" to 14 hours per day, I'll bet you see them start laying within a couple of weeks.

You just have to trick their bodies into thinking it's spring.
Actually I don't like to add calcium until they are actually laying. Some do, but I don't want to overload their kidneys.

I would guess that their point of lay time arrived with the cold weather, delaying them until spring. Marans aren't a breed known to really pump out the eggs like a Leghorn would, so it's not surprising to me that they are running a little late. Don't feel too bad; some breeds take longer, and now and then hens don't lay til nearly a year, or even over a year. I imagine as soon as it starts warming a bit, you'll see those combs brighten up and they'll start squatting for you.

You could certainly try the protein and even a little extended daylight if you want, though I'm not sure it would be worth it to go out and buy a light socket and timer this late, as the days are lengthening a fair amount already. If your layer is 14%, IMO, that's a bit skimpy anyway.
My question was premature. I found three eggs in a nest box this morning so somebody was already laying. I'll check those boxes more closely now. Not as dark as I had hoped but not to bad. I'm going to collect the first week and put them in the bator. Then with bators full, ( gotta finish my200 egg DIY bator). I may try letting the broody silkies do the job. I'll grab babies when they hatch because first week in April can still be really chilly.
I use Dunmore 16% for the most part. Gunieas get 20%. I also use the 20% on they quail and pheasants
I don't add oyster shell at all I let them have free choice. The guineas will leave it alone all winter but as soon as they start laying I have to refill it regularly.

We were all about right on when they would start.

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