When do I seperate broody hen with eggs from flock?


11 Years
Dec 1, 2008
North East Indiana
I have a RIR sitting on 8 eggs. They are due to hatch July 1st. When do I seperate them from the rest of the flock? I'm thinking they will need to be seperated because they will need a food and water at a level they can reach and I was planning on feeding them chick starter. Do I move them before they hatch or wait till after? I'm worried if I move them the mother may not continue to sit on them. I don't think she wants to be picked up either. She's kinda grouchy.
I keep the other hens from getting in her nest ... that's number one. Learned that from someone on here.

If you can do that and keep a little food and water for her there that WILL NOT SPILL... you can wait till they hatch to separate them.
Thank you. She doesn't leave them very often. I think maybe once or twice a day to eat and hopefully drink. I'll try to set up some water for her so she doesn't get dehydrated. I'll move her and her babies once they hatch as you've suggested. Thank you so much for your help.

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