When do Roosters start getting their groove on?


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 19, 2009
Milwaukie, OR
We have 1 (maybe 2) Americauna Roo that's darn near perfected his crow and shows the others who's boss.

When do they start trying to mate?
I have a CampineXSussex cockerel right now who recently discovered his 'purpose in life' at about 14 wks and has been making several of his pen-mates miserable with practicing

OTOH I had a Chantecler cockerel who finally got some dim inkling of the subject around 9 months of age, but it was only a vague notion and I am not sure he ever really managed to consummate any relationships before I sold him

So, "it varies"

Good question,

I have been wondering the same thing. I am not sure my roo is trying to mate with my hen. Not sure exactly how they "do it". He is 21 weeks today.
How they do it is jump on the hen's back (who squats low to the ground) and grab her by the back of the neck. You see a bit of wiggling around and then she raises her tail. Whole thing takes about 5 seconds, literally. What she actually does is everts the cloaca a bit, and he deposits there.

Mine mostly started trying around 15 or 16 weeks. The hens, unfortunately, were not interested for a few more weeks, so there were just a few conversations on the subject among them....
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If you have more than one rooster, it will take longer for the less dominant roosters to start trying to mate. My first rooster started at about 14 weeks but I just had another one start this week and they are now 20 weeks old. I also have an issue with having 2 roosters---the more dominant is making life miserable for the other rooster. He doesn't let him come out of the coop and the poor thing just stays up on the roost alot of the time. The dominant rooster is getting butchered this weekend.
okay then...my rooster is quite the stud then. I wondered if that is what he was doing but I thought it just happened so fast. five seconds ? poor hens.

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