When do they start laying?


12 Years
Feb 28, 2012
East Texas
I have six three month old production Reds. At what age should I expect them to start laying? I'm asking because I was told you don't want to eat the eggs if they have been eating medicated food till about a month after switching foods. Should I just start them on layer when I take them off the medicated starter?
I have read not to start them on layer feed until they start laying or you can cause problems with them being able to lay. I use a start and grow thats unmedicated on mine. They are 4 months old :) But not production reds. I have a mixed flock. 2 BSL, 2 GSL, 1 SLW, 1BO, 1 Buff cochin, and 1 Brown Leghorn.
They should start to lay at 18-22 weeks. If the medicated starter uses amprolum the eggs are safe to eat. You don't put them on layer to soon because of the extra calcium in it can can cause damage to the young birds kidneys. If you want to switch them to another feed go to a grower or an all flock.
They should start to lay at 18-22 weeks. If the medicated starter uses amprolum the eggs are safe to eat. You don't put them on layer to soon because of the extra calcium in it can can cause damage to the young birds kidneys. If you want to switch them to another feed go to a grower or an all flock.
x2 good.
What should we do if we have 20 week old hens we've been feeding layer feed for about 3 weeks? We were told we should switch before they start laying. We were also told it would be safe for our young rooster.
You should be fine I always switch mine to layer from grower about 3 or 4 weeks before the start laying. In the past my roos have eaten the same food with no problems. I do not have any roos right now though.

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