When do you seperate the young ones


8 Years
Aug 5, 2011
Like I said before I am new to this. I have a pair of Black Cochin bantams and 3 offspring. The kids were hatched on May 15th. They are 2 roosters and 1 hen. These 3 have been together since they hatched. I built a new coop and run for momma and daddy and placed the little ones in the old run. Today I went to check on them and noticed that the 2 boys were starting to act a little aggressive towards each other. So the question is when do you seperate these guys. I'm thinking of eventually putting the hen in with momma and daddy and maybe adding another hen to them and seperating the 2 roosters and adding a hen each. Looking to build a small flock from there. Any thoughts or input would be fantastic.
at three mounts old i have 2 baby rooster who i had 2 seperate each other because of them fighting
I had a hatch w/ 3 roo and 1 hen. I think it is their nature to "practice on each other.. As long as they don't draw blood let them be...but keep your eye on them. In the big picture ... you might be heavy on the roo side.
yea ur right but dont leave them togather when they get alittle bigger they might cause damge and now they can still take out any eye
I'm assuming I have to start prepping for winter. I'm taking my young hen and hopefully 1 or 2 more hens and putting them in with mamma and daddy. My coop for them will be 4x4 and the run is 8x4. I'm hoping to find a few local bantam anythings for that. The 2 roos will have 4x2 coop with a 5x4 run. hoping to add 2 hens to each one. Very hard to find cochin hens here. Apparently their owners have gone broody lol. So I might just have to add anything maybe even fullsize. Any suggestions. Will these little roos mate with a full size or am I asking for trouble.
I had 4 Roosters that were raise together from 2weeks old with 14 hens. After about 5 month they started to gang rape the hens and were really rough on them but they nevr a any major fights. At about 6 months my hens started get bloody and once the others see blood it really gets ugly and I lost 3 hens. So I turned 3 Rooster in to Roasters. I left one but the next issues there was a few hens still had bad spots and the others picked on them until I lost one more and the Rooster made a fatal mistake it attacked my 3 year old daughter as we were getting eggs out of the coope. Now keep in mind her and I raised and feed them and she held them as well as I. They never even looked at me wrong but did eyeball my wife. The other hens still had bad spots and picked until one more was killed I then put some Blue kote on them and all was and is happy in the coope. We had a very large run at about 750 sq ft counting under the coope, and a coope at 150 sq ft with a 70 sq ft loft so they had more than enough room. So hope this helps with possible problems with Roosters. If I get more they will be kept in separate run and coope for meat only.

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