When I get my 'bator.....


11 Years
Aug 16, 2008
I am going to be a hatching fiend!! I can't stand reading the hatching egg threads and NOT be able to get them!!

It is sooo hard!! I want them all!! Once that 'bator is here and ready, I am going to be one egg ordering fool! betcha I hatch a new clutch each month!! Keep the hubby busy building brooders and about 3 more coops LOLOL

Oohhhh my hubby might shoot me!! (or ban me from the computer!)
I keep trying to get mine in the comp room to see all the home made bators on here and he just rolls those eyes and shakes his head. If only he could understand the addiction!!!
I bought a Little giant and hatched some chicks.
Then I ordered more eggs.
Now I needed a second bator because I had too many eggs.
Then I needed a 3rd bator because I had staggered hatches and need a hatcher.
Then I got a great deal on a Brinsea that I couldn't refuse.

You have no idea what you are in for.
I have incubators and broodies going right now. Hubby says I have OCD... Obsessive Chicken Disorder.

I swear, the last eggs just went in the incubator tonight. I SWEAR...
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

I have incubators and broodies going right now. Hubby says I have OCD... Obsessive Chicken Disorder.

I swear, the last eggs just went in the incubator tonight. I SWEAR...

Where is the BS smiley?​
Weeelll, I have lined up Button Quail and Cuckoo Marans for my 'bator, thinking I should go ahead and get the second 'bator and the first one isn't even here yet!

On my want to hatch wish list I have comprised the following, in order of importance to boot!

BBS Orpingtons (omg I am in love! I saw the pics!)
Buff Silkies (I am a glutton for punishment!)
Blue Cochin Bantams (love them!)

and then I am hoping that my own pair of Quail Antwerps will start giving me some eggs so I can hatch out their offspring.

Oh and in the spring I am going to try hatching some Pheasants for my hubby!! (something to appease him so he doesn't get too terribly upset that I am hatching something each month!)
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BS - he's calling bull**** on my comment about it being the last hatch... I'm going to prove him wrong, though. I don't want to sleep in the coop with the chickens this winter... this is hubby...
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