When is a good time to start my breeding/hatching season in NH?


9 Years
Jun 8, 2010
Laconia NH
Hey there! I am so excited for my hatching season this year! I live in NH however, and I have no clue when to start....I dont want to be unreasonable, but what is the normal time? more like Feb? Thanks for your input!!!!
Are you selling eggs or chicks or both? Really all year is a good time to hatch if you have the space to do so. Hatch now they will be POL come spring. People like chickens that are about ready to lay.
I have eggs and chicks to sell basically. My only thought was, do I want to keep itty bittys warm all winter...
I do love having chicks around! thanks for the reply!
A master breeder made this suggestion to me: hatch late spring works better as
raising chicks over the winter causes the chicks to use a lot of energy to keep warm.

Just passing on the info. I have eggs in the incubator now!
Not sure people are willing to pay the true cost of raising a pullet to POL.
Nope, not in these parts! Seems like the attitude is that if a deceased whole chicken in the supermarket costs $5, and eggs from the supermarket cost $1 / dozen, it is over the top to pay more than $5 for something that will only ever produce a $1 commodity anyway

Definitely, birds eat more in cold weather just for calories to keep warm, and also winter started birds don't have any access to grass, greenery or little bugs to supplement the feed they are getting. So pullets raised over the winter are not going to be as economical a proposition compared to ones started in the spring.

Says me, working on raising 14 Mottled Houdans who are now all of 2 weeks old...

Whatever time of year you usually first start mowing the lawn, would be a good time to aim for having 3-week-old chicks ready to explore a new, green world. I usually hatch out with a foster mother who functions as a "mobile brooder", willing to warm up complaining babies as well as warn them of Flying Things Overhead.

Best - exop

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