When should I let my pullets out with the hens?

I have the oyster shell out but I don't think they're eating it. They're also not producing nearly as many eggs as usual. Will the grower feed have that affect on the layers?
One of them got out into the run yesterday and the hens didn't even seem to notice!
I just started letting my 4 chicks that are 9 weeks old out with my 3 who are 19 weeks old, now of them are laying yet. The older ones are pretty bossy and the younger ones just keep to themselves. They have been in separate coops/runs so able to see each other for about 4 weeks, so I took the leep and they seem fine. I do want to get them all in the same coop/run this weekend so fingers crossed they do ok. The coop has plenty of room and 3 roosts. Any advice out there?
Here’s a picture of the inside. Just can’t see the roosts.


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We brooded the chicks in the run from just a few days old. At 4 weeks we opened 3 chick panic doors. They come out and mingle at times. And they get some pecking and chasing. Plenty of hiding places in the run.

The last couple nights they have moved into the coop at night. Sleeping on a log inside there coop. They are 6 weeks old.


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