When someone hatches sexlinks...


12 Years
Apr 11, 2012
Nova Scotia
What do they do with the little roos?

I was thinking of getting some birds to make some sex linked babies...but then it occured to me....do people cull the boys at hatching?
Can't you just sell them to someone else or let them grow and eat them? Seems like a terrible waste to kill them just because you only females :( I hope someone else will post for advice for you. Best of luck!

Uuugh...I dont know if i could kill babies right when they are born! How horrible! Maybe its better when he is older and better for meat birds, at least then they would ahve some chance of a life before the inevitable demise!
I'm new to chicks, with that being said, here is my opinion. I would wait until the roo is older and put him on the table. At least you will be getting some use out of him.
I'm new to chicks, with that being said, here is my opinion. I would wait until the roo is older and put him on the table. At least you will be getting some use out of him.

I agree, he will be more use as a meatie than a dead baby.....

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