When to cull agressive rooster?

We have a Barred Rock and Sussex cockerel who are 18 weeks of age. They are both good boys. Our BCM is 6 weeks of age as is the Welsummer and so far so good except the BCM cockerel is already trying to crow. LOL which is too funny. Our two buff orpington cockerels are both 20 weeks of age and at the moment share the same location together. Just last week when I was picking up the bigger of the two the smaller one charged at me with wings flapping and making a gawd awful sound. Once he got right to me he turned around and hauled his butt away. I took this as the first sign of aggression from him. I was picking up the bigger cockerel to give him his once over weekly check-up. Checking him for signs of lice, etc. I suppose the younger of the two took it as if I was going to hurt his friend? However, I hope this doesn't happen again. Has anyone ever had this happen? Should it actually be taken as an aggression sign and something that needs to be watched out for in the future? The smaller of these two BO cockerels always starts making a 'leave me alone' cluck cluck sound whenever you go into their pen area.

The next one that attacks you, don't let him live any longer, I think it's the best solution!
A USEFUL revived thread.

None of my roosters or cockerels have attacked me in any way yet... But I have way too many if them, and I WILL have to choose which ones to cull.

This thread just reminded me again that looks and size aren't everything.

Thanks very much to all contributors.

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