when to float eggs?

Awe. Sorry to hear that. That's hard. Out of my last hatch I had 3 (out of 16) that made it to day 20/21. Fully developed, 1 had completely aborbed the yolk, one had almost absorbed it and the 3rd had just started. One had even internally pippped. Stinks to have them get that far and not make it out.
I completely agree. Youre so close...why not just make the extra effort. but, we can try again. Hoping to get a bigger incubator that our diy one, so we can try for bigger numbers. :)

what a couple of days...brought home 4 newly hatched babies from my daughters class, died. Ricky the Rooster died last night, and now this egg died almost at the finish line. As long as our 2 hatchlings continue to grow, we're happy. We'd like more experience tho. :)
I completely agree. Youre so close...why not just make the extra effort. but, we can try again. Hoping to get a bigger incubator that our diy one, so we can try for bigger numbers. :)

what a couple of days...brought home 4 newly hatched babies from my daughters class, died. Ricky the Rooster died last night, and now this egg died almost at the finish line. As long as our 2 hatchlings continue to grow, we're happy. We'd like more experience tho. :)
My first hatch attempt I had 17 eggs go in that were very active (but I thought they looked a little behind, was hoping it was just my inexperience,) and ended up with one that hatched on day 24 one thet hatched day 25, but died in the night. Found out the brand new thermometer I had bought (and never checked for accuracy) was 6 degrees off!!! 1 out of 17 was so dissapointing. I use three thermometers now...lol Next hatch was 13/16 so I was much happier...lol I plan to do the Easter hatch and I am getting hopefully two dozen from someone I have never delt with before, so I am hoping for good things from that one.
Sorry to hear about the other deaths too.

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