When to introduce new chicks to adult flock? Parakeet grit?


12 Years
Mar 19, 2010
Hello, all,

I have an established flock of Amerucana and Leghorn hens, around 2-3 years old. I have 27 2 week old chicks (Barred Rocks, Black Austrolorps, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Speckled Sussex, and Blue Silkies) living in my back shower room--what fun! They're going to have to go outside when they outgrow their current nursery, and I'd like to be able to introduce them directly to the flock without having to house them separately first. Could you give me some guidance on how big they should be before meeting the older ladies?

Also, I saw on another post that someone was using parakeet grit for chicks. Our feed store doesn't carry grit (we live in the desert, and I've been told by 2 of them that desert chickens don't need grit, they eat enough rocks outside). The chicks love the raw oatmeal I throw down, but I don't want crop impaction. I'm going to try to find some parakeet grit at Walmart--any other suggestions?

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Hi, I usually will pen them next to the other birds so they can first meet through fencing, then I will either gradually mix them or wait until night when they are all settled in and not usually so active. I always watch to make sure there are no bad situations that happen. As to how old I probably wait to long but definitely fully feathered and at least a couple months old. I hope you have good luck : ) Hopefully others will give their advise also.
Post some pics we always love to see those : )
Our walmart sells parakeet grit.

You can also just use any sort of super sandy soil with small pebbles in it. I just get a small bucket full and put it in a shallow pan in the brooder, not only do they LOVE to dustbathe in it, but it supplies them with their grit as well.
i'm so glad you ask'd this.... i'm the same just not has many
i still have my 7 weeks sleeping indoors... but everyday when the adults are in the garden. i put my babys in the run... where the adults can't get them.... the welsummer seems ok but my 3 dutch... lets just say for small adults.. i'm thinking off a peaking spray.. will this help... i'm hoping so.. if not i'll be building another coop
I don't like to co-mingle birds until they are about the same size as each other. The older, larger birds can be pretty vicious to younger, smaller birds. Putting them both in the same house with a divider between them is a good way to start. Once you do co-mingle them if there is still a size difference between them put something in that the smaller birds can get under that the bigger birds cannot so they can have a safe spot to get away from them.

I am planning on doing somethinmg similar to smokehouse13 this year. I needed a second coop this year but my run is large enough for both flocks. I setup the new coop on the opposite side of the run from the existing coop. When the new chicks are about 7 - 8 weeks old I am going to temporarily divide my run in half with poultry wire. The younger birds will be in the new coop and half of the run. The older birds will be in the existing coop and the other half of the run. Probably when they are around 18 weeks old I will take down the poultry wire divider. I will do it on a day where I can watch them closely for the entire day.

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