When to put my eggs on lock down (new baby pic added)


11 Years
Mar 17, 2008
New Hampshire
I have a small staggered hatch in my incubator of a call and australian spotted eggs right now. I have 3 eggs that went into the incubator on Sunday January 9 and 2 that went in the following Sunday. The January 9 eggs will go into a separate incubator for lock down. Should I lock em' down today????
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I dont know about call ducks, Can I do a Do Over.
Erm...sorry I cant help you there, I have no idea when calls go into lockdown.

I really should read the whole post instead of letting my eyes skim over it before I put foot in mouth.
That's ok! We know its somewhere between 26 and 28 days so I think I will put them in tomorrow. I just worry about the turner going. I'm also hatching in an old stillair hovabator and want to make sure I don't put them in too early and mess things up! Argh, the decisions! Thanks for your input
Right there with you.. Mine arent due until Sunday but I have 9 of the ten eggs pipped tonight. A few are showing signs of starting to unzip- so I hope to have some in the morning too. These ones are Runner eggs from a friends ducks- so I am excited to see what colours they may be. I can see one very dark beak poking through occasionally.

Call can be a little faster than other ducks- but I have heard they can have troubles due to having such short beaks.

Fingers are crossed for you.
I had 3 eggs in lockdown. This little one started pipping on Thursday night and finished unzipping on Saturday afternoon. Phew, took him long enough! The other 2 eggs died. We have 2 more in the incubator due next week.



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