When to put the new chicks in with the older ones?


9 Years
Mar 20, 2015
Northwest USA
Hi, I have four BR and four RIR Bantams that are 3 weeks old. Today I picked up two Easter Egger baby chicks and two Black Australorp babies. My question is, when can I put the little ones in with the big ones? I have set up a second small brooder for now. I'm concerned they could be trampled!
That happened to me last spring :) I waited till my baby chicks got big enough to have a little better shot not being squished. There wasn't an exact time for me but I did realize that my 2 older ones picked on the littler ones so I waited till they were old enough to hold there own. I kept trying staying right next to them till one day they just didn't seem to care the others were there. Now they are full grown and follow each other everywhere. I know that doesn't give you an exact answer but all I can say is wait till they get a little growth and try it just make sure the big ones don't gang up on the little ones :)

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