When to separate pullets from cockerels?

at about 15 weeks my rir roos started fighting and pecking at the hens. I figure they were competing for the hens. I had 10 hens with 7 roos. Good Luck
Ours are six weeks old today. The roos are already fighting, have lil spurs coming in, and picking on the pullets. We worked on the pen over the weekend. Will finish it up after work tonight I hope. Going to move the 12 pullets we have so far identified into the large pen that momma duck is in, along with the 3 juvenile ducks. They will make a peaceful crowd. We are adding 20 ft to the roo's run while we are at it just because. My little cochin, Fanny Pants, is 7 weeks old and crowing so good! He's precious!

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