When to start layer feed

chick on a stick

In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 19, 2011
My chickens just turned 18 weeks on Friday. I am almost out if there chick starter. Do I start layer feed now, or do I wait until they actually start laying?
Wait til you get an egg then switch. You're almost there!!!
I start them on layer feed around 17 weeks, Since you're almost out of chick starter, that's perfect timing to start the layer feed, in my opinion.
Start them on layer when you get the first egg.
Starting birds on layer too soon will do more harm than good. I your birds start to lay in the middle of a bag of starter you can just start supplementing oyster shells till you are out of starter.

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Switch to layer is ok now. It will not harm the pullets.

If you stay with starter, just supplement crushed shells when they start laying. There is no sense letting any feed go to waste.
i started mine at 15 weeks just mixxing a little now they are nineteen weeks and starting to lay
Calcium --

The egg shell is composed primarily of calcium carbonate. The pullet's requirement for calciumis relatively low during the growing period, but when the first eggs are produced, the needis increased at least four times, with practically all of the increase being used for the productionof eggshells. Inadequate calcium consumption will result in decreased egg production and loweregg shell quality.

Hens store calcium in medullary bone, a specialized bone capable of rapid calcium turnover. As calcium stores are depleted, bones become brittle. In severe cases, hens are unable tostand. The condition is known as caged-layer fatigue. Birds on the ground or on litter floorsrecycle calcium and phosphorus through consumption of feces, and do not have caged-layer fatigue.

Calcium can be supplied in the diet as either ground limestone or oyster shell. Particlesize affects calcium availability. Usually the larger the particle size, the longer the particlewill be retained in the upper digestive tract. This means that the larger particles of thecalcium source are released more slowly, and this may be important for the continuity of shellformation, especially in the dark period when birds do not ordinarily eat.

Periodically, dolomitic limestone is offered to the feed industry. However, dolomitic limestone(which is used in the steel industry) should never be used in poultry diets. Dolomitic limestonecontains at least 10% magnesium, and this complexes with calcium or competes with calcium forabsorption sites in the intestines. The consequence of feeding dolomitic limestone is inducedcalcium deficiency.

Young birds should not be fed a high calcium layer diet because the calcium/phosphorus ratio will be unbalanced, resulting in increased morbidity or mortality.



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