When to stop turning - confused!


10 Years
May 19, 2009
Okay, tomorrow is day 18. So, do I turn them tomorrow and then stop, or is today the last day for turning and then raise the humidity tomorrow? Sorry, I did search, but didn't find this information.

Also, humidity should be between 70-75% or 75-80%?

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Hi, I think since it's day 18 tomorrow that as of tomorrow you stop turning them! Good luck on your hatch!
Well I stop turning the last 3 days so that would be 19th, 20th & 21st day so I continue to turn on day 18 *unless* I see one pip & then I close up & go on lock down. If you put them in the morning you count that as day 1 if you put them in at night the next day is counted as 1.
Okay, so I go ahead and turn them tomorrow, and then after the last time I turn them for the day, I up the humidity and lock the 'bator down, correct?
Yes, that will work. Tomorrow is day 18 for me too and I usually take them off the turner on day 18 and move them to the hatcher. I don't think it hurts either way.

Yes, you do want to up the humidity and 65-70% is what I'd recommend. As they start to pip, the humidity will go up even higher so I start out a little lower.

Good luck to you!!
The last day of turning is the 18th stop turning that night. Turn for 18 last 3 for hatching. I usually add 18 days to the date I set and then write that on one side of the egg in pencil as a reminder, on the other side I write a abbreviation to the egg breed. This is instead of the x and o, the top of the egg is where I mark a F once the egg candles fertile. Once the date is reached the eggs go to the hatcher.
Thanks for the info and good luck on your hatch, too!

I only have 5 mutt eggs in the 'bator and at least 4 of the 5 I'm positive are fertile. The 5th one is a question, but there's no smell so I'm not removing it. I'm excited to see these little ones hatch
WalkingWolf has a very good point too, and I think I'll try that tomorrow. I have people bringing bobwhite eggs for me to hatch, so I'll move the chicken eggs to the hatcher tomorrow night when we put the bw's in. Although I always have really good hatches, very few are 100% so maybe this is why

Good luck with your hatch - hope they all are ok! I've got 40 eggs in mine and need a good hatch because they are all sold and then some.
Okay, so I go ahead and turn them tomorrow, and then after the last time I turn them for the day, I up the humidity and lock the 'bator down, correct?

Looks like your question got answered
Good Luck with your hatch!
I have til July 4th on mine!
If I'm hatching ducks and chicks in the same incubator with auto turners when would I stop running? I have a sportsman incubator is there a way to disconnect two shelves and leave the other one still turning my duck eggs?

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