When will my hen lay eggs!


8 Years
Sep 21, 2014
So in June 2014 i bought 1 Rhode Island Red rooster as a chick and a black breasted red bantam hen also as a chick. I raise them in my backyard to now. They are now grownups but i was wondering when will they lay egg? Like make babies so i can have more chickens. I don't know when my rooster and my hen will mate. So i bought them as a chick in June and now is September, is already been 3-4 months.:/
I don't know about your bantam, but RIR start laying at about 17 weeks. My Buff Orpingtons didn't start laying until about 20 weeks.

If you're at 4 months, it won't be long now! But you might check your specific breeds. It may take a bit for your roo to mature enough to be fertile. Has he started mounting her?

Best of cluck to ya!

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