When will my pekin ducks lay eggs?


6 Years
Oct 3, 2013
middle river, md
I have 2 female pekin (nibbles & lulu) and 1 male black crested (sprout) ducks. The females are 19wks old and the male is 17wks. They have displayed mating habits with each other for the past month now, mostly with lulu, in the pool, by mounting her when he can. She embraces it. I never see nibbles being mounted, but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened. But I'm wondering when they will begin to lay eggs and if they do, what should I do with the eggs (in case they aren't being incubated by the ducks)? When will they begin nesting or making their nest? Will either female ever leave the nest to forage around on the ground and go swim?
My Pekins started laying at exactly 7 months. At first mine lay their eggs wherever they please, it helps if they are locked in there house so you will know where they lay. Mine usually lay by 6:45 am so I let them out then. After a couple weeks mine actually made a nest to lay in. I had to find it though, they cover it over with hay, I actually thought they stopped laying until I found the nest.
I eat my ducks eggs, in the spring I will give them to a broody hen. I have been told it isn't common for a pekin to go broody.
Good luck!
OoOoOo, so I may have a chance of seeing some eggs between now and December. Unless nothing comes along til spring. Lol. I keep the hay close to the pen. I spread some out under the pen and also put a bit in it. But haven't seen any "nesting" going on around there. I always let mine out around 6:30am, they go nuts running to the pool quacking their butts off as I fill it. Its cute. I keep them all in the same pen. surprisingly, none of them pick on each other. Guess that's good. I considered eggs for eating as well. My dad says their better for baking with. And with the activity they display, id hope I'll find some eggs somewhere! Haha
I'm also wondering how best to keep my ducks warm for winter. Their pen is outside across the yard. I was gonna run an extension cord along the fence to them and use some kinda heat lamp to hang on its roof inside. Any idea what kinda proper and safe heat source i need? I don't wanna "cook" them. Lol.

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