Where can I get some more chicks???


Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Mar 25, 2008
I have decided that I would like some more chicks and nobody around here is selling them anymore. I have tried the Meyer Hatchery that is advertised here and they are out of the Red Sex Links chickens. Those are the kind that I want this time, because I will be guaranteed pullets and they are excellent, brown egg layers. Does anyone have any suggestions? I thought about trying to hatch some, but then I am stuck with buying an incubator and there goes my guarantee of getting pullets! Does anyone know where else I can purchase chicks? My dad is also wanting some. Thanks!
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Never mind! I should have done a little more homework on this. I did try and as soon as I asked, I found the Cackle Hatchery. That's how it usually works with me! Their prices are great and all of the posts that I have read say great things about them. Thanks!

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