Where could my chick be??? Other hens?

Hen House 60

In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 9, 2009
I have no idea what has happened. I set 3 eggs under a broody in a pen full of RIR. No Roo. I went out this afternoon and 1 had hatched and 1/2 of the EMPTY shell was still in the nest under the broody. The other 2 are still there. But I CAN"T find the chick. I have torn apart everything and sifted through all of the hay in the botton of the coop.
Did the other girls eat it? This is my fear:(
Did you check under the broody's wing? They can get really snug in there and not fall out unless you really pick up the wings. Mine keeps three in there and I have to pick them out.
BAD NEWS!! I never found the 1st one. After my previous post I went back out to check the other. It was fully developed, out of the shell, and dead. Cold & Wet. I have no idea what is going on. So--- The other egg was duck, I took it!!! Put in the incubator. So please keep your fingers crossed for this one.
It was so sad. I dug a hole and dropped the little guy in.
I did move the broody a couple of times. I am going back out with a flashlight and move her wings. One last hope!
OK---I just went out and picked up the broody and looked her over and under. NO CHICK!!! I think the other girls may have eaten it.
Especially if it was not thriving like the other.

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