Where do I sell my chickens?


11 Years
Feb 6, 2013
Now that facebook does not allow animals to be sold where do I sell my chickens? My 12 year old hatched out a bunch to make some money last fall. We used craigslist to sell some but not very many sold. ARGH!!

Any idea if there is a site I don't know about. I am tired of paying for all these birds. Hehe.
If you are tired of paying for them all you should consider giving them to some one who will, and stop hatching them.
There may be a poultry swap in your area. Try googling it. Also try your state thread.....
Fall is a bad time to sell birds. Everyone is downsizing before winter.

Try listing them at feed stores, local papers or even here. Are the remaining ones all female? You could try selling eggs until the hens sell.
You can still sell on FB, just gotta be creative with your wording......
....and DO NOT use the 'marketplace' option, post in each group separately.

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