Where do you retire chickens if you don't want them killed?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 28, 2010
San Diego
Hi, I'm planning for the future- I'd like to keep layers and retire the non-layers but I don't want them to be eaten or killed. Is there a special place that chickens go to retire? I live in the San Diego area. I'm hoping they might start laying again, so I'll give them a while after the days get longer, but I've just purchased a few 4 week old chickens and the coops not too big.

Or maybe it's foolish to think they wont be killed?

Any thoughts? Thanks.
sadly I will say no.. but thats not to say that some person will not take them but its not very common

I keep my hens as pets so this is their forever home...
If you're not willing to keep them yourself, you really have no say what happens to them after they leave your place. If you want to be sure they won't be eaten, you might want to add onto your coop...
But don't fret just yet. Chances are it will be at least 3 years before you need to worry about retiring hens.
sadly, they ARE chickens...they will stop laying eggs in a few years, and you will have to decide what to do. You can put them out there for free, and most likely will get eaten..either way, if you don't keep them till they die, someone else will send them to freezer camp. Sorry...
Your chickens are less than 2 years old. They aren't anywhere near done laying, yet. Pullets usually lay through their first fall and winter. As adult hens starting the following fall and winter, a fall molt and the shortening days often have an affect on their laying. They should start laying again as the days get a little longer. I'm sure you could find someone else to take them. You might have better luck after they start laying again.
I'm happy to hear these replies. I was under the impression that most people killed or gave away their chickens to be killed. We love our chickens and I'd like to keep them as long as we can.

I want to add some young chickens to the flock. Is that usually a seamless process? I imagine I can have 7 chickens in a 10x10 run? I've read they need to have 4-5 feet of outside space. Our chickens do free range for part of most days too.

So, how long do chickens live? What do you do when they get old? These seem like such stupid questions, but I really just don't know.


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