Where have my eggs gone??

Feb 2, 2020
So I found a clutch of 14 eggs that I believe 2 girls laid over 7 days. Approximately 2 or so hours after discovering them, they vanished. I went to show my partner, but every egg was gone. No traces left of eggs or predator?? Asked around but seems no body took them.... An animal. Snake maybe. I'm in Tasmania and if a snake was the bad guy, it would be a tiger snake most likely. 14 eggs in a couple of hours, one snake?? Surely not.. But no other animal could take them with no trace.. Could they?? Where are my eggs?? Pls help:(
So I found a clutch of 14 eggs that I believe 2 girls laid over 7 days. Approximately 2 or so hours after discovering them, they vanished. I went to show my partner, but every egg was gone. No traces left of eggs or predator?? Asked around but seems no body took them.... An animal. Snake maybe. I'm in Tasmania and if a snake was the bad guy, it would be a tiger snake most likely. 14 eggs in a couple of hours, one snake?? Surely not.. But no other animal could take them with no trace.. Could they?? Where are my eggs?? Pls help:(
That is weird that they likely sat there for a week and then vanished in 2 hours... I know dogs will sometimes eat eggs and my dog and cats clean them up pretty much entirely when I give them eggs. I'm with you on it likely wasn't 1 snake, I could see a snake eating 2-3 but not 14....
Some large monitors will eat eggs in a most efficient manner. Not sure if there are any big ones around you, but that could be a possibility.
I had a raven on our property that would fly over the garden fence, land in the garden, WALK into the chicken run and the henhouse, hop up into the nesting boxes, find one of the Americauna blue eggs, pick it up, WALK out of the henhouse, fly over the fence and take his prize down into the forest and eat it. I stopped getting blue eggs and I though my hen was off line, until I actually SAW this performance. There were dozens of blue egg shells down there. Too funny!!!
I figured he was walking because my Roo is a predator alarm, and a bird walking is not a threat, but a bird overhead is. Smart, smart bird.

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