Where is Miss Prissy?

I've seen a few of her posts but she must be busy with other things right
now. Most of the old time members, even mods, will reduce posting
activity from time to time. Not all of us can have 12000 posts.
she and I talked (pm'd) today when she was on line. I am sure it is hard for the mods to post now that we have almost 25,000 members. I am sure most of their time is taken up with just reading?? It is so hard to keep up with all the posts now...at least it is hard for me to keep up.
Doesn't she have that Nige goat that's about to give birth to a new herd? Ooooh, could it be?????

Lurky, I have eggs due April first, too.
Just busy. Spring is coming. I have 20 raised bed garden boxes I am building, 15 tomato cages (not those flimsy things they sell at a garden center - steel T fence posts and welded wire), chores, cooking, 12 million animals to tend, eggs to hatch and a passle of sick kids.

Busy Busy! Why are ya'll still here? It is time to start getting ready for a garden. Go till the soil, get your planters ready, buy some seeds.

Chop. Chop.

You're burning daylight!
tomato plants are about redy to go out side, will be tilling again this weekend and planting everything else.............. Not gonna waste my daylight

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