Where to buy an incubator in WA


10 Years
Feb 26, 2009
Hoquiam, WA
After reading everyones posts and watching all these fuzzy butts from the beginning, I want to start hatching my own eggs too. My local feed store is very expensive to buy day olds from and I really want some blue orps..hint hint:D so telll me what i need and where to get it from. i have never done before.
Thanks all
Either or...i would like not to spend a whole lot of money on one and would like to hatch about 30-50 or more but would be happy with hatching atleast one!!!
If you want a cheap bator that will hold 40+ eggs you can go for a LG , I orderd mine from TSC for just 41 bucks and 8 bucks shipping . I have to hand turn and it dosnt have a fan and its reallly touchy about temp till you get it just right.
If you want to spend a bit more moeny for a nother styro type bator lots of people talk about hovabators , seems to me there are pretty expesnsive for stryo bators if you get the ones with fan and turner.
There have been a few sales on Brinesea bators lately where you get one witha fan but no turner for about 99 they are a good quality bator but the ones on sale hold about 20 eggs or so but there pretty simple to use. you stil have to hand turn unless you buy the turner for extra.
I am shure lots of people will have lots of opinons soon
about 3 times a day .
The brinesea one thats onsale or was yesterday for 99 you can get the turner for like 49 so tis about 150 for the whole thing and worth the extra if you have it . just my opinion.

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