Where to order buff Orpington chicks from??????

Thanks ddawn. That was about what I was figureing but I'd hate to order 50 chicks and not get a single roo. But with my luck, it'll happen since I want a couple, LOL.

Suzzie, I had 25 BO hens and they did great for me. Out of the 25 I had I was getting atleast one dozen double yokers a week usually. Not every week but pretty much so and I had two ladies that would dang near fight over the double yokers and they were paying me $5 a dozen. And that was their idea, not mine. So when I got some really big eggs I would candle them and put the DY'ers in a carton to themselves.
Plus what everyone says about them being good setters is true. They get down right mad at you when you"Steal" their eggs, LOL. And they tickle me. There is usually 2-3 hens up in the setting area of the box I made (just before the foxes showed up,) and as soon as one would jump down to eat and get water another one would roll the eggs around for a while and set down. So I want to build another tractor just for the ones that decide they want to set and let them raise their own little families. :)By the time they get big enough I will have built a third tractor for the roos and make them freezer meat. I'm sure keeping many roos in with the hens.
You know, it doesn't take long to learn how to raise chickens. By the time you loose your first batch of hens and eat you first batch of meat chickens, it's pretty much down pat.
Ya'll just wish me well this year and I'll do the same for you.
And thanks again

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