Where to shop for new chickes


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 23, 2008
Greenfield Indiana
Alright, I have decided to get more more birds , nine now - you can see the breeds I have.

How many more birds can I add to a 64 square foot coop?

Where is a good place to oder chicks from as the farm stores don't have them this time of year?

And What cool breeds might be fun that I don't already have?

Thanks to all this is a great web site.
Recomendation is 3 SF per bird, I allow more, but I have some LF Cochins and some pretty large Orps & houdans.
But at 3SF you could do about 20.
Thank you that means I could get 11 more birds, but Murray McMurray Hatchery will only ship 25. Are there hatcheries that ship less? By the way I think I would like to have Araucana's!

If i have to order 25 more than I think it will be time to add on to the coop! Here we go again!
I have more chicks coming mid October from Ideal. I placed my order by phone and was able to order ones the website said where sold out. (edit to add I have 11 coming)
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I just checkout out all three of those web site -Cool! I am going to oder 11 more! I just cant decide what ones I should order!!!!!
I'm located in southern IN, and had this same conversation with myself a month ago. I had a bad shipping experience, which can happen, and hated to have another order shipped again and maybe lose some. I've gotten on craigslist and BYC and found people breeding within a reasonable drive from me and then gone to get chicks. I purchased some 12 weeks old pullets earlier this summer, and some week old chicks last month... I got to hand pick what I wanted, got a great variety and love all of them! I really recommend trying to find some IN breeders, I made good friends in the process which was nice!

What are you looking for, I'll pass on some names if I have any?
Thanks AW chickens, I am looking for Aracana's I guess, not really sure. Probably need to sleep on it. Just put out a sign for FRESH BROWN EGGS - we have at least 2,000 cars drive by each day - so I guess I better be able to sell eggs before I get more birds!
Can't help with Araucanas, although I did find some one in the Indy area with some nice Ameraucana chicks, also found some great brown layer breeders, and some silky/frizzle breeders.

You might try posting on here like I did and see if you can find anyone nearby? I was just SO much happier than I've ever been with a hatchery shipment, plus I purchased 10 chicks and ended up with 10 pullets- which is great if you are after eggs.
If you have a 10X10 cage how many square feet is that?
How many chickens can go in there?
How bout 5X15?


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