Where would my ducks be laying eggs?


9 Years
Sep 1, 2010
My ducks freerange around my house and not to far from the house but ive never found and egg, other than when they were sitting on nests and we got ducklings. I have no idea where they might be laying them. Im just waiting and waiting and waiting for an egg. Do ducks hide their eggs? Do they go out of their way to find a good spot? Do they lay in the same place?or do they just lay anywhere? soo many questions.
Some ducks are different but most of mine lay in the same place every day. They lay under a bush or board. Our first laid under a pallet. If you don't put them away at night it's hard to tell who's missing. If you do know someone is sitting you can look for them during the day. They usually will bury the eggs until they're ready to start sitting. It's pretty hard to find a nest just by looking for eggs.
why would they bury them, ive heard this a few times and often wondered why, we are in New Zealand so there are no preditory animals to bother ducks here, thats why they dont get locked in at night
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Sandcat, if you find out where yours are laying, would you check and see if you can find any of my eggs?
Ha ha ha lol ok i will and same to you if you find any, i hunted yesterday for ages and i bet i was so close!!
I think they bury them to keep them the right temperature and moisture until they start to hatch. It's probably instinct and they don't bury them very deep, just dig a shallow hole and cover them with leaves or grass.
Yeah, if your like me, you're so close you hear a "crunch" under your shoe.
Little devils sure don't make it easy, do they.

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