Where's the blocked list???

Okay, it kept the thread up for me to see... so thats good. But i just cant see clovers posts..
Now i need to find clover again so i can un-block them...lol
But wait..if i block clover,, can she still see ME??
I would think this could come in handy if you want to block any certain people from bidding on your auctions too...
I don't think I like the idea of blocking.
Since I've been a member, everyone has
been so nice and pleasant. If you are able
to block....I don't know, just seems mean.
I don't think I like the idea of blocking.
Since I've been a member, everyone has
been so nice and pleasant. If you are able
to block....I don't know, just seems mean.

I agree, just more drama coming from this..i can see it now. lol
I personally like the blocking feature and have a couple of people in mind to block. Some people just won't stop no matter how many times and how kindly you let them know you do not wish to communicate with them. If you have never run into some of the extremists on here, count yourself lucky.

I do have a question and wonder if anyone knows the answer. Can someone I "block" still "follow" me?


I like this feature too. In the past I sometimes wished I could block a couple...I prefer not to have drama in my life...especially from people I don't know. We will have to see if it is explained somewhere....

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