Whew!! :D {LOOOOONG!}

It took me about 4 days to write the rough draft and type it out. Like I said, "Whew!!"

Thanks all for your advice and praise! I am also thinking about adding a paragraph about Cleo's crop operation, so I guess I will post that for corrections once I get that typed up as well, LOL.

Auntie Hen: (
) I will change the "moms" to either "my mom" or Mom. Thanks! ( I guess she deserves to be capitalized....
Jk mum!)
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Great job! I read the whole thing, and I think it was very well written

There is one thing I would suggest, that is to send it to a magazine called Backyard Poultry. Almost all of their articles are from just your every-day "poultry people". I don't know if they would be able to publish the whole essay (it is quite long
), but I'm sure they would either be able to shorten it or publish it in a multi-part session. On their website (www.backyardpoultrymag.com), there is a link for the email address of Elaine Belanger - she is the one you'd want to send it to.
Yay I am back!! Our computer crashed and Jeauca and I have not been able to get on. And thank you Jesus I posted this essay on here. Otherwise, it would be GONE. So now all I have to do is redo the spacing on word, fix the mistakes that were so kindly pointed out (
) , and turn it in.

Grace: I am FLATTERED that you would suggest such a thing! *blushes* Do you really think it would be accepted???
Sure I think they would be interested in publishing it
Here's what Elaine Belanger, from the "Backyard Poultry Magazine" says

I would be interested in hearing ideas you have regarding poultry articles. Articles must be of value to other readers, teaching them something or adding pleasure to the keeping of poultry but the topic can range from health, showing, how you or other youth do projects in 4-H or other group, etc. You can send in any articles for review.

Backyard Poultry is a full-color magazine so photos should be in color and can be emailed as jpgs, along with word documents or the stories can be emailed in the body of an email.
Any articles printed that are sent by readers has been thanked with a paid 1-year subscription. If you would like to write the story, send it to me for review. I will give you a definite response immediately as to whether we will publish it, although payment would not come until it is actually published. Please be sure to include pictures as everyone can envision your story much better with photos. (and just plain like to see pics)
If you have further questions you can email your thoughts to me or you can call me at 800-551-5691 from 8-4:30 central M-F. Thank you for your interest in Backyard Poultry, I look forward to hearing from you.


You are a great writer ....
You kept my interest the entire way

You were comical at times, informative at other times ...... great job !!!!

What grade are you in? (Just being nosey .... I homeschool a 15 yr old girl)

Lee ... A+ ....

Lee, I am a Junior in highschool.

For those who are curious, My ES did finally get my essay, and yes, I got an A.

Thank you all for your praise, and even more for your critiques!

As I have mentioned, without all of you, I would be at a total loss.

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