Which Australorp should I show?


10 Years
Sep 29, 2009
I'm going to be showing at a poultry show this weekend and I'm not too sure which Australorp I want to show. One of the two Australorps I'm debating on meets the size standards, but her tail feathers are a little messed up at the tips. The other Australorp's feathers look really nice but she has a smaller body frame. So, which would seem more important to you? I would just like peoples' opinions please.

Here's the smaller hen (right) next to one of my other Australorps:


And here's a body pic of my smaller Australorp:


Oh, and the smaller Australorp also has a smaller comb and feet.
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Thanks for the warning! Who is Guy Roy? However, I mainly just do it for fun. It'd be awesome to win too! And I'm not just showing an Australorp, so there's other breed competition for me.

Oh, and the Australorp on the left is one of my others. The actual standard size one I might show isn't in the picture.
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If we are to help you make a choice, I think we'll have to see what we have to choose from. ie. both birds. Can you post a pic of the larger chicken?
I'm entering all of the ones shown. I'd just like to know what people think of them. Like if they've seen better ones of that breed, or if they like a certain one out of the four, etc.

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