Which BRAND of bleach to clean a bator?


Serama Chicken Enthusiast
14 Years
Nov 11, 2008
Everyone is telling me to clean it with diluted bleach, I've been looking for one that says diluted but I can't find one! can someone tell me the brand of a DILUTED bleach please! the brand of the bleach not the word "Diluted"!
All brands of bleach are regular or concentrated. Diluted bleach means that you dilute (mix) the bleach with water. I believe 1/4 cup of bleach to a gallon of water is pretty effective, although stronger mixes are sometimes recommended. Be sure to wear latex gloves and work in a well ventilated area. Breathing bleach fumes or getting it in your eyes can be dangerous.
I use clorox anywhere spray. you can spray it right in your frig. and put food in there without rinsing it.
You dilute bleach yourself by mixing it with water
1 part bleach to 10 parts water is a typical cleaning strength. "Part" can be any size container -- a tablespoon if you only need a tiny amount, a cup or a gallon if you need a lot. So like you might mix 1 c bleach with 10 c water to produce 11 c of diluted bleach solution.

wow! I feel dumb now! sorry for that, Im still learning english
I speak Spanish, English, Latin, and a little of sign language. My common language is spanish, and again I feel dumb

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