Which Breed Lays The BIGGEST EGG?


11 Years
Jun 27, 2008
Mountain Home, AR
I want to add to my flock and I have two breeds in mind.

Either the Red Sex Link or Black Australorp. Which would I choose for larger regular egg laying?


I have both and would gladly trade my Black Aussies for Red or Gold Sex Links. In my experience, the Sex Links eat less and produce more.
My BA's lay med to Lg size eggs light in color, my comets & red sex links lay Lg - XL darker in color, my comets have given me XXlg eggs and all of them started laying in Nov.08
Good Luck
Jody, Ma
My Golden Comet eggs are almost as big as the Double Yolk White Leghorn eggs I have, and bigger than the normal white leghorn eggs, the light brown egg on the end of the right side is a RIR egg.

From Left to right
Double Yolker WLH, GC, WLH, RIR

I just sold some eggs to a woman who hatches as a hobby -- she told me some of my eggs were larger than the duck eggs she had. Those were laid by my RSLs. I almost always XL to Super Jumbo from them, and they're still quite productive as they near their 2nd birthday.
My Black Australorps (3 of them) lay jumbo/XL, they are bigger than my RIR and EE's and Cuckoo Marans by far. But unlike the RIR who lay daily the BA's only lay every other day. They would not be my first choice again.
my BA's lay a large egg, and I am pleased with them, as they are supposed to lay well in the hot summer weather. nice birds too.

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