Which breed to choose?


8 Years
Jan 11, 2012
We had a small back yard flock several years ago, and decided to try again this year.
We're looking for non-flighty, friendly, calm breeds that are also decent egg layers. Living quarters consist of a coop with attached covered run, with some free-ranging time also. We're in central WI, so most be cold hardy too.

Planning to get 4-6 day old pullets (no roosters allowed) and would like to get a mix of the following.
Which have you found the friendliest and easy to handle?
Bonus for good egg-laying ability

1) Red-laced blue Wyandottes
2) Americana / Easter Eggers
3) Speckled Sussex
4) Barred Rock
5) Black Australorp
6) Golden Laced Wyandotte
7) Lavender Orpingtons
8) Golden Comets

Hello there and welcome to BYC! :frow

I would suggest the Orpingtons, Black Australorp, Easter Eggers are going to be the most docile and friendly. I am a huge fan of Orps and Australorps, both incredibly friendly, great layers, both very health hardy.

Enjoy which ever breed you choose and welcome to our community! :)
I've always had good luck with my Easter Eggers and Orpingtons. Both are cold hardy, docile and personable, although I've found the EEs to be the more reliable layers and don't go broody. I'm branching out and trying my hand with Australorps this year, just got baby chicks Tuesday. Maybe we can learn together!

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