Which breeds are the best egg layers

Do you want white eggs or brown eggs?

White Eggs = Leghorns
Brown Eggs = Sex Link chickens, Rhode Island Reds

I am sure that others will add more.
If you are only interested in egg production, then the white leghorn is the way to go.

I have four leghorns that I rescued from a battery farm 5 years ago and they are still laying machines!
My best brown egg layers are my RIR and my NH reds the buff orps are good too but they love to sit on their eggs!
White leghorns, by far. My 16wk white leghorn started laying last week, and we've had 9 eggs in 9 days from her. Plus she's as sweet and friendly as she can be, but that might not be important to you.

I have 5 two week old RIR's, and I can't wait til they start laying so I can compare.
I have sex links which are wonderful layers and I love Golden Comets. Great brown eggs from these birds. Nice chickens also.

I tried Buffs. Did not like them for the farm, but a beautiful bird definitely.

I tried leghorns but customers wanted only brown eggs, go figure? LOL
Why do you guys say RIR and leghorns?

My barred rocks lay every day but they have only started laying in the last month. Will they peeter out earlier? They are certainly regular now.
some of my production reds just started laying, and they lay good ol' big brown eggs, but my flock of 10 frizzle bantams, nearly lay on cue, and laythe biggest of any banty eggs i've seen! and they are one year old.
I say leghorns because I've only got one pullet laying right now, and she's a champ. Last time I had chooks, I had so many laying all at once that I couldn't tell who laid how many. I could, however, tell my leghorn eggs apart from the rest, and they laid more per bird. I never had a barred rock that lived to lay an egg (my one was killed by a dog), so I don't have that experience. I have 2 in the henhouse right now, tho, that haven't laid an egg yet because they're only 17 weeks old.

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