Which BYC member scares you?

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I can go to the ballpark and watch if: 1) I have a seat and not sitting out on the berm.
2) Everyone has eaten before the game and I’m not standing in a mile long line for overpriced food and drink. 3) I can manage the entire game in a short sleeve shirt. The rest I can pretty much deal with.
I prefer a good high school game really than I had pro or college game, or even a good little league game for that matter if the teams are good.

SEC tourney is pretty good. I started to go watch Auburn. Glad I didn't since it was a one and done. smdh

The only time I will watch MLB is the WS but even then not much interest.
So wats everybody cooking for memorial day? I think I wanna do something different so I was thinking about making a meatloaf with the usual stuff and add Tony chacheres burger marinade with their seasoning and Italian breadcrumbs garlic, onions, bell pepper, etc. Bake that then hollow out a whole loaf of French bread, stuff with the meatloaf then warm the bread to slightly crispy then cut it into couple inch slices and make a thick spaghetti sauce to dip it in. Along with potato salad and then whatever my wife and sister would like to contribute. Yeah that sounds like it'll be good and a little different
I prefer a good high school game really than I had pro or college game, or even a good little league game for that matter if the teams are good.

SEC tourney is pretty good. I started to go watch Auburn. Glad I didn't since it was a one and done. smdh

The only time I will watch MLB is the WS but even then not much interest.
I’ve been to see the Braves twice. Both good experiences but a lot of effort. I really enjoyed seeing Ole Miss at Alabama because it’s so close and Bama has a nice facility. Going to Pearl and watching the Governor’s Cup is always fun too. It’s about the same as Tuscaloosa, driving wise.
So wats everybody cooking for memorial day? I think I wanna do something different so I was thinking about making a meatloaf with the usual stuff and add Tony chacheres burger marinade with their seasoning and Italian breadcrumbs garlic, onions, bell pepper, etc. Bake that then hollow out a whole loaf of French bread, stuff with the meatloaf then warm the bread to slightly crispy then cut it into couple inch slices and make a thick spaghetti sauce to dip it in. Along with potato salad and then whatever my wife and sister would like to contribute. Yeah that sounds like it'll be good and a little different
No clue. We really don’t have a plan. We used to always get together with friends but I guess we suck. Last time I saw any of them was my birthday in January. I didn’t cuss, shame or belittle anyone either.
This little one gets to wear splints for the next couple days cause she fell outta the coop house recently and bent 2 of her toes

She’s so dumb she keeps taking them off… 🙄
1,000% more convenient. Especially for my forgetful mind. Each patch stays on for one week. Three patches in the box. When you take your third patch off, leave them off for one week (to have your shark week), then start the process over.

:frow I have a question
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