Which BYC member scares you?

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Most orb-weaver spiders do.
Hummingbirds use spider web silk to make/build their nests with so the orb-weaver spiders have evolved* to get their own revenge.

Don’t get me wrong though, I love hummingbirds waaay, WAY more. :)
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It's just interesting, I guess. I remember diving in Cozumel, and the instructor/guide in the class was impressed with my knowledge of the various species we saw. He started taking me aside to see things the rest of the class didn't. He'd free dive down to the floor to bring me baby rays, starfish, etc., to look at. He also brought me out to swim near some sharks that were hunting in canyons of coral. It was neat to see the tiny fish or corals I cared for in captivity at their adult breeding size.

I've always enjoyed nature and stuff, though. As a kid, I watched many documentaries on Discovery Channel, National Geographic, PBS, and BBC. I used to love watching Marty Stouffer's Wild America. I remember always being annoyed that Biology in public school was really focused on cytology, the study of cells. Nobody cares that the mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell. Genetics was interesting, but I always wished we spent more time focused on ecosystems and how they are connected and affect one another.

I suppose it is frustrating, too, that so many people go through their daily lives not caring or are literally unable to care because they are focused on so many other issues like how to feed and care for themselves and their families in a society where it has become more and more difficult. You could buy a household appliance for a few hundred dollars in the 80s or 90s and expect it to work for decades. Now you buy a washing machine for a thousand dollars that is made to break in a few years, so you have to go out and buy another one. There are more important things to focus on daily, so things that are hard to see and touch get pushed out to deal with at another time.
If there’s one thing in this world that’s deeply misunderstood, it’s mother nature.
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