Which BYC member scares you?

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Not sure where you are getting your info, but it is still true. Drug testing and medical privacy are two separate issues covered by two separate pieces of legislation (the constitution vs PHIPA). Employers get in serious sh!t if they violate either.
I'm just griping in general terms about the massive erosion of freedoms that has recently taken place. With the constitution being flushed, little else will matter soon.
Anyone else's kids have zero sense of danger?

Sometimes this is good, but sometimes it's bloody aggravating. The boy is going on a outdoor trip tomorrow. Hiking through the woods, etc. Ticks are a reality. He won't wear long pants or long sleeves. And says the bug spray is unnecessary. Because according to him ticks take a long time to crawl up you and burrow into your skin and he'll be just fine and check himself. OK BUT USE THE FARCKING BUG SPRAY CHILD!

"I don't need sunscreen, I'm only playing 18 holes of golf. not like I'm going to be outside all day. And one water bottle is enough"

Comes home burned and dehydrated, can't imagine why...

Fortunately he was only that stupid once.
Hey, your nails are dirty
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