Which chicken breeds make the best "pet" chickens?

I try to pick up my chicks but they scream and flip out. Do all chicks do that? Some will sleep in my hands but others flip. I spend lots of time with them and even sing to them but everytime I pick them up they freak out.
I think it depends where the chickens are from, but the Rhode Island reds and Dominiques from Caseys farm in Jamestown, RI are all hatched in classrooms, so they are good with kids.
Silkies are awesome.They have great personalities and are very docile.They aren't flighty at all. One con is that they go broody a lot, but I don't mind it.
If you're wondering what they look like, my profile picture is a white silkie.
My buff orpington is the tamest of the crew. I've heard Jersey Giants are ultra docile too.

I've handled my 9 week Jersey Giant chick a bunch, she is totally okay with being pet or held as long as the other chicks are within a foot, she panics and struggles if they start to leave her behind, I'm hoping she'll relax about that more when she's older. The other two 9w chicks are a Buff Orpington and a Rhode Island Red which are also both very friendly and okay with being pet and held. I've handled them a lot though but the BO seems the most naturally friendly, following me around and purring.
My favorite is bannis. They stay small and are very good pets. I also have a rhode island red chick that is a very good pet!!! She willl sit on my shoulder and lay in my arms. But I have also had other types that were amazing pets and im not sure what kind they were but they were very sweet as well. One will follow me anywhere i walk. I will let her out of the pen and let here run around and eat fresh bugs and as soon as i want to put here in the pen i just simply pick here up and she doesnt run. It doesnt mattere what kind of chicken you chose it all depends how you raise it. I would recommened getting your chicken when it is a small and young baby chick. I hope you get a chicken that is perfect for you:)
For LF, by far the nicest I've had are Brahamas, Sussex, and EEs. Austrolorps are also very friendly, but not as cuddly as the others. IME the LF Cochins are docile, but not exactly friendly. My bantam cochins was very friendly, but not as cuddly. Polish are also very nice birds, as are silkies, but my all time favorite is D'uccle bantams.

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